Tuesday 18 December 2012


Offer Isha Hata Yoga:

Isha classical Hata Yoga derived from yogic tradition which has maintained the ancient science of yoga in its full sanctity & vibrancy for thousand of years.

¨ UPA Yoga       This is a simple yet powerful practice that activates the joints, muscles & energy system. It relieves physical stress & tiredness & brings great ease to the whole system.

¨ Angamardana  -   This practice revitalizes the body on all levels including the muscles, blood circulation, skeletal structure, nervous system and the basic energy system. It strengthens the spine, build physical strength, fitness & tenacity, taking years off the body.

¨ Others:
* Surya Kriya
* Surya Shakthi
* Yogasana
* Guided Meditation

"Yoga is not an exercise. Yoga means the technology of knowing the interiority to the last nut and bolt of who you are. This is not about twisting your body, this is not about just knotting up your limbs or standing on your head, this is a way of looking inward and knowing this [referring to self] the way this is made”

For more details about the classes,
Please contact    jayshenp@gmail.com   or 
call   012-318 5282

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